Sunday, June 27, 2010

Turning functional code into great code: Part 2: Language usage

Welcome! This post is part of a series; if you missed Part 1, go ahead and read it.

Today, we're going to focus on how the StylesheetCreator class can make better use of the Java language and its standard API. We'll leave third-party API usage and design improvements for another day, although there is always a bit of overlap among these three areas.

The first improvement is at the very end of the createStylesheet method when writing out the file.

FileOutputStream fo = new FileOutputStream( stylesheetDirectory
+ outputFilename );
PrintStream ps = new PrintStream( fo );
ps.println( xsltText );

There are two issues here:

  • The stream is never closed. It will be closed when the garbage collector cleans it up and runs the stream's finalize method, but we don't know when that is. So we could run out of open file descriptors if the method is called many times repeatedly.
  • We are using an OutputStream to write characters to a file. InputStream and OutputStream are for reading and writing byte streams; Reader and Writer are for reading and writing character streams. They also give us control over the character encoding.

So our new code looks like this:

FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(
new File( stylesheetDirectory, outputFilename ) );
fw.write( xsltText );
fw.write( "\n" );

If we run the test again, it still works, so we know that our change hasn't broken anything.

Now let's go back and look at this code:

String ruleContents = "";
for ( int z = 0; z < ruleList.size(); z++ )
switch ( ruleId )
case 1: // concat
System.out.println( "Case 1" );
ruleContents += stylesheetHelper.concatRule( z + 1,
columnName, params );

Do you notice what is happening? We are building the ruleContents string in a loop via the += operator. Since strings in Java are immutable, this will construct a brand-new string each time through the loop, by copying the contents of the old string into the new one, then appending the new rule text. Basically, in Java, the code a += b is equivalent to:

a = new StringBuffer( a ).append( b ).toString();

This is fine if we're only doing it a few times, but it can get pretty inefficient to do it over and over in a loop.

So how do we fix it? By using either StringBuffer, or (in Java 5 and up) StringBuilder instead. The difference is that StringBuffer is synchronized, meaning that you can safely call it from multiple threads at once; and StringBuilder is not. We're not creating multiple threads within the code that is building up our strings, so we'll just use StringBuilder as follows.

StringBuilder ruleContents = new StringBuilder();
for ( int z = 0; z < ruleList.size(); z++ )
switch ( ruleId )
case 1: // concat
System.out.println( "Case 1" );
ruleContents.append( stylesheetHelper.concatRule( z + 1,
columnName, params ) );

We can modify the other cases similarly. Once again, we run our test, and it still passes. Excellent! (By the way, I'll just assume that we run the test after each subsequent modification mentioned in this post to ensure that we haven't broken anything.)

Now let's look at a somewhat odd bit of code: the params variable. Here's how it's constructed and two samples of how it's used.

String params = "";
if ( ruleId == 1 || ruleId == 2 || ruleId == 3 || ruleId == 5 )
params = param1;
params = param1 + "," + param2;
switch ( ruleId )
case 2: // greater than
System.out.println( "Case 2" );
if ( params.indexOf( "-" ) < 0 )
int paramInt = Integer.parseInt( params );
ruleContents.append( stylesheetHelper.greaterThanRule(
z + 1, columnName, paramInt ) );
ruleContents.append( stylesheetHelper.greaterThanRule(
z + 1, columnName, params ) );
case 4: // replace
System.out.println( "Case 4" );
String paramArr[] = params.split( "," );
ruleContents.append( stylesheetHelper.replaceRule( z + 1,
paramArr[0], columnName, paramArr[1] ) );

This looks rather suspect to me. param1 and param2 (only where applicable) are concatenated together into params separated by a comma, and then they are split apart again in some cases. This seems unnecessary and even fragile, especially if the strings themselves contain commas. Fortunately, we can entirely avoid the use of the params variable as follows.

switch ( ruleId )
case 2: // greater than
System.out.println( "Case 2" );
if ( param1.indexOf( "-" ) < 0 )
int paramInt = Integer.parseInt( param1 );
ruleContents.append( stylesheetHelper.greaterThanRule(
ruleNum, columnName, paramInt ) );
ruleContents.append( stylesheetHelper.greaterThanRule(
ruleNum, columnName, param1 ) );
case 4: // replace
System.out.println( "Case 4" );
ruleContents.append( stylesheetHelper.replaceRule( z + 1,
param1, columnName, param2 ) );

We can make similar adjustments for all the other cases.

Now let's look at the signature of the createStylesheet method:

public void createStylesheet( String parentNodeName, String childNodeNames,
List ruleList, String outputFilename ) throws Exception

When I created the test case in part 1 of this series, the hardest part was trying to determine what I needed to pass in for childNodeNames and ruleList. As it turns out, childNodeNames is a comma-separated list of XML node names, which are strings. So, if it is a list of Strings, why not just use a List<String>? Indeed we should do that, but we'll postpone that modification until part 3, when we take a look at StylesheetHelper.

So what about ruleList? The trouble is that I don't know exactly what needs to go in the list -- and in fact, Java will give you a warning when you try to compile the file, complaining that we're using a raw type (one without type parameters) instead of a parameterized type. Happily, we can figure out what type of object goes in the list by looking at the code that uses it.

for ( int z = 0; z < ruleList.size(); z++ )
ArrayList rule = (ArrayList) ruleList.get( z );

String columnName = (String) rule.get( 1 );
int ruleId = ( Integer.parseInt( rule.get( 2 ) + "" ) );
String param1 = (String) ( rule.get( 3 ) );
String param2 = (String) ( rule.get( 4 ) );

So, ruleList is a list of ArrayLists, each of which contains five elements. The first element (index 0) is never used; the second, fourth and fifth are strings, and the third is unknown. Since I don't have all the original code, I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that all the elements of each inner list are strings. I don't know for sure, but it makes this example easier. So we have a list of ArrayLists of strings:

public void createStylesheet( String parentNodeName, String childNodeNames,
List<ArrayList<String>> ruleList, String outputFilename ) throws Exception

But we can make this a little better. Why should we require the inner lists to be ArrayLists? It is true that we get elements out via random access (i.e. the get method), and LinkedLists require traversing all the way from the beginning of the list to the required element. However, these inner lists only contain five elements, so the performance penalty will be minimal. So let's just use List instead of ArrayList and permit the caller to pass in any type of list. Our method signature now looks like this:

public void createStylesheet( String parentNodeName, String childNodeNames,
List<List<String>> ruleList, String outputFilename ) throws Exception

Note that this is still not an optimal solution, but since we're just showing language usage for now and not delving into design, we'll leave it like this.

So now that we have a properly parameterized list, we can make good use of it and remove all the casts from the loop:

for ( int z = 0; z < ruleList.size(); z++ )
List<String> rule = ruleList.get( z );

String columnName = rule.get( 1 );
int ruleId = ( Integer.parseInt( rule.get( 2 ) ) );
String param1 = rule.get( 3 );
String param2 = rule.get( 4 );

Also, for the aforementioned performance reasons, we should avoid using random access on long lists if we can -- and the outermost list of rules could theoretically be long. Happily, there's no reason in this case why we need to use random access (List.get) to get the rules out of the ruleList. In fact, Java 5 makes this super-easy for us.

for ( List<String> rule : ruleList )
String columnName = rule.get( 1 );
switch ( ruleId )
case 1: // concat
System.out.println( "Case 1" );
ruleContents.append( stylesheetHelper.concatRule( z + 1,
columnName, params );

Unfortunately, the above code won't compile. We no longer have the loop index z that we were using to represent the rule number, which is passed into all the StylesheetHelper methods. As a result, we need to simulate the old z index:

int z = 0;
for ( List<String> rule : ruleList )
String columnName = rule.get( 1 );
switch ( ruleId )
case 1: // concat
System.out.println( "Case 1" );
ruleContents.append( stylesheetHelper.concatRule( z + 1,
columnName, params );


If you take a look at the way that z is used throughout the code, it's always z + 1, a rule number. So let's give it a meaningful name, and initialize it to 1 so that we don't constantly have to add 1 everywhere.

int ruleNum = 1;
for ( List<String> rule : ruleList )
String columnName = rule.get( 1 );
int ruleId = Integer.parseInt( rule.get( 2 ) );
String param1 = rule.get( 3 );
String param2 = rule.get( 4 );
System.out.println( "Rule table values: " + columnName + " " +
ruleId + " " + param1 + " " + param2 );

switch ( ruleId )
case 1: // concat
System.out.println( "Case 1" );
ruleContents.append( stylesheetHelper.concatRule( ruleNum,
columnName, params );


While we're looking at the switch statement, there are a couple of improvements that can be made. Firstly, what happens if we don't match any case? Right now, nothing. The code will just bypass the errant rule ID and keep going with the next one. However, if I were debugging this code in production, I'd want to know that someone passed an unexpected rule ID to this method! So let's add a default case. In fact, in general, one should always have a default case in a switch statement.

int ruleNum = 1;
for ( List<String> rule : ruleList )
String columnName = rule.get( 1 );
int ruleId = Integer.parseInt( rule.get( 2 ) );
String param1 = rule.get( 3 );
String param2 = rule.get( 4 );
System.out.println( "Rule table values: " + columnName + " " +
ruleId + " " + param1 + " " + param2 );

switch ( ruleId )
case 1: // concat
case 2: // greater than
System.out.println( "WARNING: Tried to invoke unknown rule ID " + ruleId );


Now let's get rid of the "magic numbers" above (case 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 16). We could use public static final int constants to do that, but we can do better.

Java 5 has a new feature for representing a selection of known values: enums. Unlike in C, where enums are basically just glorified integers, Java represents enums as classes, with each enum value being an instance of that class. Since each enum has an "ordinal" (integer) value, enums can be used in switch statements too.

package net.galluzzo.example.stylesheetbuilder.refactored.part2;

public enum RuleType

This is a good start; but in our case, we have an existing rule ID that we want to map to a RuleType -- we don't want to use Java's default numbering scheme that starts at 0 and goes up sequentially. So instead of doing external mapping, we'll let the enumeration itself do the mapping.

package net.galluzzo.example.stylesheetbuilder.refactored.part2;

import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public enum RuleType
CONCAT( 1 ),
LENGTH( 5 ),
BETWEEN( 16 );

private static final Map<Integer, RuleType> ruleIdToRuleTypeMap =
new HashMap<Integer, RuleType>();

private int ruleId;

for ( RuleType ruleType : EnumSet.allOf( RuleType.class ) )
ruleIdToRuleTypeMap.put( ruleType.getRuleId(), ruleType );

public static RuleType valueFromId( int ruleId )
return ruleIdToRuleTypeMap.get( ruleId );

private RuleType( int ruleId )
this.ruleId = ruleId;

public int getRuleId()
return ruleId;

The methods are all pretty self-explanatory except for the static initializer, which uses the built-in EnumSet class to loop over all the enum values in order to build a map from rule IDs to their corresponding RuleTypes. We use this map in the valueFromId method, which retrieves the RuleType instance for a particular rule ID.

So the loop in StylesheetCreator.createStylesheet now looks like this:

int ruleNum = 1;
for ( List<String> rule : ruleList )
String columnName = rule.get( 1 );
int ruleId = Integer.parseInt( rule.get( 2 ) );
RuleType ruleType = RuleType.valueFromId( ruleId );
String param1 = rule.get( 3 );
String param2 = rule.get( 4 );
System.out.println( "Rule table values: " + columnName + " " +
ruleId + " " + param1 + " " + param2 );

switch ( ruleType )
case CONCAT:
System.out.println( "Case 1" );
ruleContents.append( stylesheetHelper.concatRule( ruleNum,
columnName, param1 ) );
System.out.println( "Case 2" );
if ( param1.indexOf( "-" ) < 0 )
int paramInt = Integer.parseInt( param1 );
ruleContents.append( stylesheetHelper.greaterThanRule(
ruleNum, columnName, paramInt ) );
ruleContents.append( stylesheetHelper.greaterThanRule(
ruleNum, columnName, param1 ) );


We replaced the switch statement with a switch over the RuleType enum values, which is more readable. In fact, we were able to ditch the comments after each case describing what it was supposed to do; they're redundant, because the enum name gives us the same information that the comment used to.

Let's go one step further by consolidating the System.out.printlns at the beginning of each case into one place, and let's make the code print out the rule type enumeration instead of the rule ID:

int ruleNum = 1;
for ( List<String> rule : ruleList )
String columnName = rule.get( 1 );
int ruleId = Integer.parseInt( rule.get( 2 ) );
RuleType ruleType = RuleType.valueFromId( ruleId );
String param1 = rule.get( 3 );
String param2 = rule.get( 4 );
System.out.println( "Rule table values: " + columnName + " " +
ruleId + " " + param1 + " " + param2 );

if ( ruleType != null )
System.out.println( "Case " + ruleType );

switch ( ruleType )
case CONCAT:
ruleContents.append( stylesheetHelper.concatRule( ruleNum,
columnName, param1 ) );
if ( param1.indexOf( "-" ) < 0 )
int paramInt = Integer.parseInt( param1 );
ruleContents.append( stylesheetHelper.greaterThanRule(
ruleNum, columnName, paramInt ) );
ruleContents.append( stylesheetHelper.greaterThanRule(
ruleNum, columnName, param1 ) );


This enum type is pretty nifty, but we'll discuss an even better solution in another couple of posts.

That's about it for now. We've covered Writer vs. OutputStream, StringBuffer vs. StringBuilder vs. concatenation, type parameters, the enhanced for loop, and enums. Next time, we'll look beyond the standard Java runtime to third-party APIs, and take our first look at the mysterious StylesheetHelper class. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Turning functional code into great code: Part 1: Testing

I recently came into contact with an eager young developer with a year or two of work experience, who showed me his code and asked me how to improve it. Since I've been asked this by many people over the course of many years, I thought I might be useful for other young (or not-so-young!) developers who wish to improve their code also. I plan to break this into multiple parts, providing explanations and brief justifications for those who may be new to various best practices, even basic ones. Hope you stay tuned!

Caveat: I am not the world's foremost expert in, well, much of anything, and I have formed various opinions and biases over the years. So if you're a senior developer or architect, I'm sure you'll see something here that either I missed or you disagree with. Please feel free to let me know in the comments and I'll be happy to discuss it further. Also please note that I'll only be covering testability in this part, and will gradually introduce more sophisticated improvements in future installments.

Okay, without further ado, let's get started! The code in question builds an XSLT stylesheet for validation and processing of data contained in an XML file.

package net.galluzzo.example.stylesheetbuilder.old;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.apache.struts.action.Action;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;

public class StylesheetCreationAction extends Action
String stylesheetDirectory = "C:\\apache-tomcat\\webapps\\stylesheet-builder\\xslt";

public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response )

createStylesheet( parentNodeName, childNodeNames, ruleList,
outputFilename );

return new ActionForward( "success" );

public void createStylesheet( String parentNodeName, String childNodeNames,
List ruleList, String outputFilename ) throws Exception
System.out.println( "Inside createStylesheet" );

StylesheetHelper stylesheetHelper = new StylesheetHelper();

String ruleContents = "";
System.out.println( "Number of rules: " + ruleList.size() );

for ( int z = 0; z < ruleList.size(); z++ )
ArrayList rule = (ArrayList) ruleList.get( z );

String columnName = (String) rule.get( 1 );
int ruleId = ( Integer.parseInt( rule.get( 2 ) + "" ) );
String param1 = (String) ( rule.get( 3 ) );
String param2 = (String) ( rule.get( 4 ) );
String params = "";
if ( ruleId == 1 || ruleId == 2 || ruleId == 3 || ruleId == 5 )
params = param1;
params = param1 + "," + param2;
System.out.println( "Rule table values: " + columnName + " "
+ ruleId + " " + params );

switch ( ruleId )
case 1: // concat
System.out.println( "Case 1" );
ruleContents += stylesheetHelper.concatRule( z + 1,
columnName, params );
case 2: // greater than
System.out.println( "Case 2" );
if ( params.indexOf( "-" ) < 0 )
int paramInt = Integer.parseInt( params );
ruleContents += stylesheetHelper.greaterThanRule(
z + 1, columnName, paramInt );
ruleContents += stylesheetHelper.greaterThanRule(
z + 1, columnName, params );
// Several other cases here which we'll get to later

// Get header and footer stylesheet content.
String stylesheetHeader = stylesheetHelper.getStylesheetHeader(
parentNodeName, childNodeNames );
String stylesheetFooter = stylesheetHelper.getStylesheetFooter( parentNodeName );

// Get the beginning and ending text for the <xslt:choose> node.
String xsltChooseStart = stylesheetHelper.getXsltChooseStart();
String xsltWhenEnd = stylesheetHelper.getXsltWhenEnd();
String xsltOtherwiseStart = stylesheetHelper.getXsltOtherwiseStart();
String xsltChooseEnd = stylesheetHelper.getXsltChooseEnd();

// Get XML nodes.
String parentNode = stylesheetHelper.getParentNode();
String rejectedParentNode = stylesheetHelper.getRejectedParentNode();

// Construct the entire stylesheet.
String xsltText = stylesheetHeader + ruleContents + xsltChooseStart
+ parentNode + xsltWhenEnd + xsltOtherwiseStart
+ rejectedParentNode + xsltChooseEnd + stylesheetFooter;

// Create the output file.
FileOutputStream fo = new FileOutputStream( stylesheetDirectory
+ outputFilename );
PrintStream ps = new PrintStream( fo );
ps.println( xsltText );

We will cover the StylesheetHelper class in a future installment.


The goal of this series of blog posts is to improve this code. But how do I do that and still ensure that the refactored code still does what the old code did? By writing a unit test, then making changes, and after each change, ensuring that the test still passes.

Unit tests are programs that test a "unit" of code, usually a class, by executing various functionality (methods) on it, and programmatically ensuring that the results are correct. I will use the JUnit 4 framework in this example, for the simple reasons that I know it fairly well, and it is widely used.

The problem is that I cannot actually run the above class on my machine. You see, I am writing this blog post on Linux, and the final code inside createStylesheet writes out a file into a specific Windows directory that is hard-coded into the class. So, for the very smallest change possible, for now, I will change this directory to one that works on my machine. (This is not a good solution, but we'll get to that later.)

Furthermore, this class is a Struts action, which means that it must extend from Struts' Action base class in order to do any work. I don't have a copy of Struts 1.x handy, and frankly I should not need it in order to build an XSLT stylesheet file from a list of passed-in rules. Happily, the createStylesheet method is the one I really care about, and it only uses Java APIs, not Struts or J2EE. The creation of a stylesheet is functionality that can be reused outside of a single web action, so it should go in a non-J2EE-related class. We'll call this class StylesheetCreator, thus:

public class StylesheetCreator
String stylesheetDirectory = "/home/eric/workspace/stylesheet-builder/resources/output/";

public void createStylesheet( String parentNodeName, String childNodeNames,
List ruleList, String outputFilename ) throws Exception
System.out.println( "Inside createStylesheet" );
// The rest of the original method goes here.

With that simple change, we can now write a test case for this functionality, which looks like this:

package net.galluzzo.example.stylesheetbuilder.refactored.part1;

import static;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.junit.Test;

* Test case for {@link StylesheetCreator}.
* @author Eric Galluzzo
public class StylesheetCreatorTest
private static final String STYLESHEET = // ...long XML string here

public void testAllRules() throws Exception
StylesheetCreator stylesheetCreator = new StylesheetCreator();

List<List<String>> rules = new ArrayList<List<String>>();
rules.add( createRule( "name", 1, ", Esq.", "" ) );
rules.add( createRule( "age", 2, "18", "" ) );
rules.add( createRule( "category", 2, "-aaa", "" ) );
rules.add( createRule( "age", 3, "100", "" ) );
rules.add( createRule( "category", 3, "-zzz", "" ) );
rules.add( createRule( "department", 4, "old", "new" ) );
rules.add( createRule( "category", 5, "4", "" ) );
rules.add( createRule( "bonus", 16, "100", "5000" ) );
rules.add( createRule( "category", 16, "-aaa", "-zzz" ) );

stylesheetCreator.createStylesheet( "employee",
"name,age,salary,category,department,bonus", rules, "test.xsl" );

String stylesheetText = readFileContents(
new File( stylesheetCreator.stylesheetDirectory, "test.xsl" ) );
assertThat( stylesheetText, is( STYLESHEET ) );

private List<String> createRule( String columnName, int ruleId,
String param1, String param2 )
List<String> rule = new ArrayList<String>();
rule.add( "employee" );
rule.add( columnName );
rule.add( String.valueOf( ruleId ) );
rule.add( param1 );
rule.add( param2 );
return rule;

private String readFileContents( File file ) throws IOException
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new FileReader( file ) );
String line;
while ( ( line = reader.readLine() ) != null )
sb.append( line ).append( "\n" );
return sb.toString();

Note that I've taken some shortcuts here: I've defined only one test, which is a positive test, covering all the different stylesheet rules. Ordinarily one would write both positive and negative tests for each individual rule, so that when a rule broke, one would immediately know exactly which rule it was. However, the all-in-one test is a little shorter, and thus easier to understand on a blog.

It is now possible to run this in one's IDE of choice and get that wonderful green bar, indicating the test has passed! So we can now begin to improve this code, which we will do in Part 2. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Using inheritance with fluent interfaces: get this

Recently I had a situation where I needed to implement Joshua Bloch's Builder pattern (see Effective Java, item 2) over a hierarchy of Java domain objects. Similar problems would arise when building other types of fluent interface, which commonly "return this" from each method in order to support method chaining. Creating a working solution presented some interesting challenges!

Without going into too many details, the fluent Builder pattern is needed in languages without named arguments and default arguments, like Java, in order to avoid long lists of constructor parameters, or a bunch of setters on the object (which may be immutable). For example:

public class X {
protected int foo;
protected int bar;

public static class Builder {
private X x = new X();

public Builder withFoo( int foo ) { = foo; return this;
public Builder withBar( int bar ) { = bar; return this;
public X build() { return x; }

protected X() {}

public int getFoo() { return foo; }
public int getBar() { return bar; }

You would then use this code as follows:

X x = new X.Builder().withFoo( 1 ).withBar( 2 ).build();

Obviously, for a class with only two instance variables, this pattern doesn't make much sense -- you'd just use a constructor. But for domain objects with lots more than two instance variables, or with subclasses that may add more than two, it makes plenty of sense.

However, this becomes more challenging when dealing with objects that use inheritance. In the project I'm working on, we had a number of domain objects that were (legitimately) using inheritance. The trouble is that the builder pattern doesn't particularly handle this well as it stands.

The simplest way of creating builders for inherited classes is simply to duplicate the builder methods:

public class Y extends X {
private int baz;

public static class Builder {
private Y y = new Y();

public Builder withFoo( int foo ) { = foo; return this;
public Builder withBar( int bar ) { = bar; return this;
public Builder withBaz( int baz ) {
y.baz = baz; return this;
public Y build() { return y; }

protected Y() {}

public int getBaz() { return baz; }

But duplication is EvilTM, especially if you have lots of builder methods, or lots of subclasses. We really don't want both Builder classes to have the withFoo and withBar methods. How do we get around this?

My first thought was something along the following lines:

public abstract class X {
protected int foo;
protected int bar;

protected static class Builder<T extends X> {
private T x;

public Builder() { x = createX(); }
public Builder<T> withFoo( int foo ) { = foo; return this;
public Builder<T> withBar( int bar ) { = bar; return this;
public T build() { return x; }
protected abstract T createX();

protected X() {}

public int getFoo() { return foo; }
public int getBar() { return bar; }

public class Y extends X {
private int baz;

public static class Builder extends X.Builder<Y> {
public Builder withBaz( int baz ) {
y.baz = baz; return this;
protected Y createX() { return new Y(); }

protected Y() {}

public int getBaz() { return baz; }

The only trouble with that is that the following fails to compile:

Y y = new Y.Builder().withFoo( 1 ).withBaz( 3 ).build();

Why? Because withFoo returns a Builder<Y>, not a Y.Builder; and the withBaz method is on the latter, not the former.

So...the code I actually wrote looked like this:

public abstract class X {
protected int foo;
protected int bar;

protected static class Builder<T extends X,
B extends Builder<T, B>> {

private T obj;

public Builder() { obj = createObj(); }
public B withFoo( int foo ) { = foo; return this;
public B withBar( int bar ) { = bar; return this;
public T build() { return built; }
protected abstract T createObj();

protected X() {}

public int getFoo() { return foo; }
public int getBar() { return bar; }

public class Y extends X {
private int baz;

public static class Builder
extends X.Builder<Y, Y.Builder> {

public Builder withBaz( int baz ) {
obj.baz = baz; return this;
protected Y createObj() { return new Y(); }

protected Y() {}

public int getBaz() { return baz; }

Now the return types are correct...but the withFoo and withBar methods won't compile. The trouble is that this inside X.Builder<T, B> is of type X.Builder<T, B>, not of type B. Actually, at runtime, the builder class should indeed be of type B, but it would be inelegant and type-unsafe to cast this to B everywhere.

Happily, there is a solution that doesn't involve casting. This is the final version of the code:

public abstract class X {
protected int foo;
protected int bar;

protected static class Builder<T extends X,
B extends Builder<T, B>> {

private T obj;
private B thisObj;

public Builder() {
obj = createObj(); thisObj = getThis();
public B withFoo( int foo ) { = foo; return thisObj;
public B withBar( int bar ) { = bar; return thisObj;
public T build() { return built; }
protected abstract T createObj();
protected abstract B getThis();

protected X() {}

public int getFoo() { return foo; }
public int getBar() { return bar; }

public class Y extends X {
private int baz;

public static class Builder
extends X.Builder<Y, Y.Builder> {

public Builder withBaz( int baz ) {
obj.baz = baz; return thisObj;
protected Y createObj() { return new Y(); }
protected Builder getThis() { return this; }

protected Y() {}

public int getBaz() { return baz; }

We added the getThis() method, which is always implemented as return this; in each subclass. This ensures that the Builder subclass is in fact the B type parameter to X.Builder<T, B>.

So, at the price of a small wart (the getThis() method plus associated instance variable), we've got a solution that maintains type safety, removes duplication, and allows all the code completion goodness that your IDE of choice may offer. Win!


I found this old blog in the corner collecting dust, and thought I'd take it out and give it a shine.

I'm Eric Galluzzo, a software developer/designer/architect, primarily in Java and Java-related languages. On this blog I hope to share a few tidbits that may be useful to others. Please feel free to drop by and leave a note!